Summer Food Service


School District 151 announced they are participating in the Summer Food Service Program at Taft School, Eisenhower School, Madison School and Coolidge School. Free meals will be made available to all children 18 years of age and under, and to person over 18 years of age, who are enrolled in a State approved educational program for the mentally or physically handicapped. Meals are made available to all eligible participants without regard to race, color, national origin, handicap, sex, or age. Any person who believe he/she has been discriminated against in the USDA related activity should write immediately to the Administrator, Food Nutrition Service, 3101 Park Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302


Taft School
393 E. 163rd St.
Harvey, Illinois 60426
708-339-2710 Main   708-210-3254 Fax

Eisenhower School
16001 Minerva
South Holland, Illinois 60473
708-339-5900 Main   708-210-3252 Fax

Madison School

15700 Orchid Dr.
South Holland, Illinois 60473
708-339-2117 Main   708-210-3250 Fax

Coolidge Middle School

155th & 7th Ave
Phoenix, Illinois 60426
708-339-5300 Main   708-339-5327 Fax