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2024-2025 Board Approved Balanced School Year Calendar
Superintendent's Message
Dr. Teresa Hill
September 3, 2024
Dear South Holland School District 151 Families and Community Members,
We have now entered the second month of the school year. Our students at all levels are learning new skills and demonstrating their amazing talents. At this point in the school year, after school activities and clubs will soon begin. Students have taken their first tests, and students and teachers are working toward student growth goals. Consistency is the key to helping students grow.
Families can help their children grow in all subject areas by placing a special emphasis on student attendance. When children miss school, they miss out on instruction, classroom activities, and opportunities to practice their skills. The impact of missing even one or two days per month adds up quickly. When children return from an absence, it can be very difficult for them to catch up even with help from their teachers.
Missing school can cause skill gaps for children at all grade levels.
Upcoming Events
AIMSweb is a universal screening, progress monitoring, and data management system that is administered to students in kindergarten through second grade. Our district uses AIMSweb to assess reading fluency and comprehension.
AIMSweb is a universal screening, progress monitoring, and data management system that is administered to students in kindergarten through second grade. Our district uses AIMSweb to assess reading fluency and comprehension.